Thursday, April 30, 2015

What if…

My dad was the president of the US?
Planes didn’t exist?
I decided to stay studying in Belgium?
Oceans were made of acid?
One of my future kids become a serial killer?
Live expectancy for humans was 500 years?
Facebook did not exists?
I had 1 million dollars?
My car insurance was cheap?
Only one kind of language existed?
Money did not exist?
I lived in Florida?
My parents had decided not to let me come back to America?

What if I had 1 million dollars?

If I had 1 million dollars I would start by opening an account and put 5% on it to pay for college and the studies I need to get my degree. I would give 5% to each of my siblings and also 5% to my mom and dad. I would then buy a new car. I would give 5% in some kind of association. I would invest half of my remaining money on a company and put the rest on a saving account. Even though money does not buy happiness, I think it contributes to it in some parts of our life. As a student, winning that amount of money would relieve me worrying about how much my rent is going to be or how much gas money I can spend a month. Those are little details of life that stresses me out right now.

What if my parents had decided not to let me come back to America?

If my parents had decided not to let me come back to America and study here, I think my career pat would be totally different. First I would have been really sad, because I had such an amazing experience last year as an exchange student that I definitely wanted to come back. Secondly, I have a girlfriend here and not be able to come back would have ruined my feelings and my ambition I think. I also made a lot of good friends and I wanted to come back for them too. If I had to stay in Belgium, I would have attended a communication school in Brussels. My first goal was to become an event manager. Here I am studying Video Production, which would not have been possible in Belgium. There is no college that proposed video production studies… Instead there are private film schools but those are pretty expensive and it is usually hard to get in. Plus, jobs opportunities in that area are difficult to find over in Europe.  Finally, if my parents had decided not to let me come back to Springfield, Missouri, I would probably have had to pass my permit in Belgium, which is way more expensive, boring and harder than over here. Getting my license here was a piece of cake! So easy! I would probably have a different car … and I would have to save up a lot more money for gas. It is three to four times more expensive than over here in the U.S. Chocolate. I want chocolate.


What if I had decide to go to Mizzou?

Well I don’t know anything about that school. I think I looked up on their website once and it was crazy expensive for international students like me. Plus, they didn’t seem to have a program in Media studies or movie making. That was definitely not the college I wanted to attend. But anyway. Even if I had decided to go to Mizzou, I would probably be studying something different. I would have to live on campus because this is my freshmen year. I would have made different new friends. I want summer back. I am tired of winter. Cold cold cold cold. I would probably be practicing a sport like baseball. I like baseball. I played last year in High School and it was a lot of fun! Even though our team was bad and we lost a lot of games. The school spirit would obviously be different at Mizzou than here at OTC. I think I would have more opportunities to do something on campus, they probably have more entertainments like games and all that kind of stuff.  I probably wouldn’t be with girlfriend anymore. First because I would have met a lot of new people… girls… so she would have got jealous all the time. Second because I would have to stay on campus most of the time. My life would have been a lot different I guess.
Image result for which way

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