Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Invisible Me
If I would wake up invisible one morning, I would simply take a day to make the life of people who do not like me miserable. I would not do anything illegal but I would scare them until they decide to go see a psychiatrist! There is some people who really do not like me, some people who act very bad towards me, spread rumors,… and I want to take my revenge on that.

The second thing I would do is get in a plane and take a seat in first-class. Destination: somewhere hot with thunderstorms most of the nights, beautiful beach and warm ocean. I need vacation!

I would probably spy my girlfriend for a while and see what kind of discussion she might have about me with her friends. I guess I could be surprised… maybe I will even regret it but it is still something I would do.

I would also take a plane back to Belgium and go scare my brother at night. There is no way for him to thinks it is me. It would be so much fun! I miss annoying him and I know he hates me when I make him jump in his bed in the middle of the night, when I hide in his closet and slowly open then door making weird noises.

If I was invisible, I would help the cops do their job. If they need to catch someone running, I would make that person trip.  I would also go into some political meeting that the public can’t have access to and listen to the discussion politics are having.

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