Thursday, April 30, 2015

Pigeon Impossible
I was sitting on top of the stop light, looking for some food. I was very hungry. I saw that weird skinny man crossing the street with a donut in his hand. He almost got ran over!! I thought: Yes !! I will have the doughnut for myself. Grhougrhou!! But he got alive on the sidewalk.

A black men walks towards him and give him a small suitcase. I take off and fly around him for a while.  God I was hungry!

The man sits on a bench… I decide to land next to him.

Grouhougrouhou. Give me some food, I’m hungry, I say. He looks surprised at me, wondering what I want. Then noticed I give a lovely look at his sweet food.
He take a tiny piece of it and throw it away. I am not a dog. I want it all please. Since he didn’t seem to want to share with me, I fly quickly above his head, making him jump around. But he throws something at me and I lose control. Grouhouhou. I fall in his weird little suitcase.

WOOOW Grouhou it looks nice in here! What are all those buttons? I decide to try them. There are lights and little noises everywhere. I am locked in the suitcase but having a lot of fun. I am jumping around. Then I see that huge red button. I press it but nothing happens… so I try another one and it looks like I’m firing some stuff outside. I’m going to scare the pedestrians! Yeah! I press another one and I can fly with it! I am a super secret agent now! I will get that doughnut! I will kill for it.
I see it… The man wants to throw it in  the fire ! I land and get out of the suitcase. He tries to get me, I fly out to get the doughnut he just throw in the air! But it felt on that big red button. Oh god! What is this? What is ths noise? It seems like a new gadget. But all I want is mu doughnut. I see him flying in the sky. I follow him and land on its suitcase. Give me that doughnut now I say. The suitcase opens! I fly right on it and Finally catch it! YES ! Oh its so yummy!


I hear an explosion above my head and then, AWWWWW!! I think I’m dead, Something felt on me. Oh well, at ;least I got my food.

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