Thursday, April 30, 2015

We were so scared but it was always a fun adventure.

This was back in elementary school. I was going to a small school in my village. I had a fun group of friends. Life was fun. No worries. We were so young, little, without preoccupation about the outside world. We used to do crazy things outside school. One day, we decided to run into a field behind my house. There usually were cows and two horses. The goal of the game was two run around and separate the cows from the horses. It was dangerous but so exciting and funny to us. The grass was so high that even standing up, we couldn’t see each other. We could hide very easily and surprise the animals around us. At one moment, we heard a big truck pulling over and a door opened. One of my friend told us it was the farmer. Everybody was told to hide and remain silent. I was so scared. We were in a lot of trouble. My parents were going to beat me up if they heard about it. I saw one of my friend trying to escape from the field. The farmer saw him and starting yelling at us! He was walking with us with a hunting gun. We started all running to the other side. Big surprise when we noticed that the farmer’s son was waiting for us in the other side. We were caught. No escape. I did not really understand what was happening. We were just having fun. We had not done anything wrong. The farmer looked at us and starting yelling. He told us how dangerous what we were doing was. Horses could step on us or cows could even chase us if they felt in danger. He looked at each and every one of us. He asked for our names and said that if he saw us around here again, he would call the police. Then, he let us leave. I was shacking really bad. Trust me. I never went back there.

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