Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Alaska seems to be a beautiful state to me. But it is way to cold for me to go live there. I have seen some pictures and there seems like there are a lot of fun trips to do. But still I don’t know if I would like it. When I go on vacation its usually during summer… why would I go to a cold place? To me vacation equals beach, sand, water, sunburn, sun cream, sun glasses, shorts,… I often wonder how people get to choose to move to Alaska. I mean if you are born there, of course you get used to it. It is and stays home for you. But why someone from Florida or California would choose to go live in the extreme northerner state of America? It is cold, there is snow or ice almost the whole year, bears and wolfs can kill you while you are doing your little walk in the woods, phone service is bad, internet is bad,… Final point: You are away from civilization. I can not imagine living there. Sun. sun/. sun. beach. Beach.beach. Alaska is even melting! People are going to be under water since the warmer climate we have had for several years is warming up the atmosphere.


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