Thursday, April 30, 2015


If I was a Crayola crayon I would be a blue and red one. Blue on the outside and red on the inside. Blue symbolizes freedom to me. It’s the sky, the water, peace. I love swimming and I love skydiving and flying. I feel so light in both of these areas. I feel free. It resources me. Blue actually reflect how I am most of the time. I am kind, I try to be nice to people and help anyone who needs help. I don’t really show my emotions to people. (Except to my girlfriend). I am friendly and I just want to have fun with friends. I am glad when I meet new people. I like trying new things all the time. Experience is important to me. Be open to people and to the world is great. That is what blue reflect in me.

The inside color would be red because of course I can still express myself when I am not happy about something. It shows my limits. Trust me, you don’t want to see me when I am mad. Nothing can make me feel better. I have to stay alone or I blow up on everyone and everything. Red is also the color of craziness and danger to me. I like that. I’m no often scared by anything. I also want to give a try to something… in a smart way of course. People think I am crazy sometimes. But I think that if you don’t do everything to achieve your dreams, then you are crazy. Life is shorter than we think. LIVE, today!! Red is warm. I definitely prefer summer to winter. Be warm feels great! Dream dream dream dream.


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